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Residential building Office building Commercial/Retail building  Yuzhen Residential Complex
Developer Doverie Ltd.
Stamboliyski Blvd
Completion date: 2012-12-30
Visits: 88885
date of update: 2012-11-26
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Residential building  Residential building
Developer Eurobuild
7 Laiptsig Str.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 10347
date of update: 2010-05-12
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Residential building  Residential building
Developer Eurobuild
34 Grigor Parlichev Str.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 9662
date of update: 2010-05-12
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Residential building  Residential building
Developer Arimex
46 Makedoniya Blvd.
Completion date: not available

Visits: 5606
date of update: 2010-05-12
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